Each year we aim to raise £4000 to be able to manage our running costs, purchase new equipment and fund an end of year outing for the children. The committee run refreshment stalls at The Village Fete, School Fete and Vintage Fair every year, and have also held barn dances, jumble sales, muddy puddle walks, movie nights and a host of other events.
We also raise money through Easyfundraising and we have a Just Giving Page for bigger projects. Easyfundraising is an app that you can do online shopping through and each time you make a purchase a % of your spending goes to the Pre-School - at no extra cost to you!
Our Just Giving page is currently set up to help us through the COVID-19 pandemic. Please click on the logo below to support our cause.
2016 - Creating a new outside learning area in the woodland
2017 - Improving and updating ICT resources
2018 - Providing New Heating/Air Conditioning Units
2019 - Purchasing sensory equipment
2020 - Extending the natural woodland to the free flow garden area
2021 - Forest School Training for all members of staff and development of the woodland area including 2 new mud kitchens and 2 potting tables.
We upload annual reports and accounts to The Charity Commission webite so that everyone can access them. Please click on the Charity Commission logo to access these records.